I offer individual & couple couseling and psychotherapy in the center of Prague, Anny Letenské 7 st., Prague 2 - Vinohrady and also on-line via Zoom.
I have 24 years long counseling practice (from 1999).
I am accredited by Czech Association for Psychotherapy.
I use the approach and methods of Gestalt Psychotherapy.
I am also accredited by EAGT (European Association For Gestalt Therapy).
LGBTQIA+ topics are welcome 🌈
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I deal with clients who have difficulties to handle stressful emotions: depression, anxiety disorders and panic attacks. I also deal with people with prolonged sadness. I help clients with low self-esteem and with strict and demanding inner critic to develop and cultivate more compassoinate and kind atitude towards themselves.
In accordance with the latest neurological research, I use physical embodiment of emotions with the methods and techniques of mindfulness.

Physical symptoms such as back, head and neck pain, stomach pains and digestive problems, may be related to lack of exercise, prolonged sitting at work and poor eating habits, but also may be related to the psyche, to stress and dispelled emotions.
Gestalt therapy has very effective methods for working with the physical symptoms. I can help clients to gain more understanding of how their symptoms might be a part of their reaction to work and relational challenges they face. I am trained to work experimentally with physical symptoms for getting immediate insight into understanding them.

I support clients in their resilience and endurance by gaining awarenes of their polatiries (weakness, feeling of failure...), often experienced in relationships.
I support clients in ever present dilema between following own needs and being for others.
I help to explore how core client's convictions and demands conerning relating might influence them in their relationships.
I help with difficult decisions in private, relational and professional life.